Friday, November 7, 2008

Our Visits......................

Here is our schedule:
9:00-9:30 am arrive at the baby home, where we visit all the babies and play with them and take Zane outside for some "alone time".

11:00-11:30 leave baby home with Zane and go to our hotel.

4:00 - 6:00 go back to baby home and play with babies and visit outside with Zane

6:00 Go back to hotel without Zane

The visits are extremely hard. Actually harder than I imagined. The first few days it was very confusing to Zane because we were strangers and he wanted to love us but didnt' know us. He would cry inside the baby home but the minute we took him outside by ourselves he was very content just to sit and let us hold and love him.
At the hotel he was a totally different baby, he would run around playing with Chloe, eat like a horse and just loved being here, but once we would get back to the baby home he would shut down again.
I think it is too confusing to these children to go back and forth like this. But it isn't for me to say.
In the last couple of days he has made a complete turn around though. He doesn't cry when we are inside the baby home with him, he plays and enjoys being with us. He no longer cries getting in the van and the elevator so we are making huge steps in his trusting us. He has cried for me the last 2 nights when I have had to leave him and he doesn't want to go back to his nurse so again this is proof that he is bonding.
I continue to pray that our G & R is Monday so that we can begin our journey home with him and he will finally understand that we will never leave him again.....


Mary Ann said...

I am so glad to hear Zane is adjusting to you all. The pictures are precious. I love the one of Chloe kissing her baby brother!

Mamita J said...

Just checking in..

I'm sorry about Daniel's father. What a heartbreaking time for you.

I love the pictures of Zane sleeping - sucking his thumb. How precious!

Praying for a G+R ceremony on Monday, so you can come home soon.
