Saturday, August 4, 2007

Little Bit Of This & A Little Bit of That

I went back to work this week and missed Chloe terribly. She has missed me too. Daniel was putting her in her carseat last night when we were leaving for dinner, she said "wait a minute dad, I need to give my mommy a kiss". She gave me a kiss and said "I missed you so so much mommy." Oh why couldn't I be rich and stay home with the "nina"?
We went to dinner last night with Lara & Jimmy some friends of ours that are adopting from Vietnam, two babies. We tried out a Vietnamese restuarant and it was pretty good. Then we went to babies r us so she could purchase some stuff for Jay & Sara. We are hoping and praying that they get to travel by September.
I had mentioned in one of my previous post that I was going to have to come up with a more creative way to come up with money for adoption other than a yard sale. Well, we decided to sell some of Daniel's last year's textbooks. Praise the Lord, he has already sold $90.00 worth of textbooks and got an email today from someone that wants to purchase the rest of them, that will be $160.00. Putting that with the $96.00 we made on our yardsale, we will have raised $346.00, our home study is going to cost $800.00, so we have almost half of it. PRAISE THE LORD!!!!!!!
We also have a name for our son, if it is indeed a boy. Daniel & Brent hated the name I had picked out which was "Micah", so I told them they could name him. They did come up with a name that I love and so do the girls. I am not going to post the name until we actually get a referral. I will just say it is indeed a very different name that sounds great...........

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