Monday, August 27, 2007


Daniel and I went today to the doctor for our physical and blood tests, Daniel kept telling me the whole time he wasn't going (he hates needles) but of course he did go.
We have to go back on Wednesday for them to check the site where they tested us for tuberculosis and then they will start working on the letters we need showing we don't have any diseases. I think it will probably be one day next week before we get to go back and pick up the letters. J comes tomorrow to do our home study visit and my house is no where near as clean as I want it but I am fine with that. J did all of our home study and post placement visits with Chloe so she already knows what the house looks like. Please pray tomorrow's visit goes well and that the doctor's don't take forever getting those letters back to us.
Since we have already been fingerprinted, once J sends USCIS our updated approved home study we will then wait on our INS approval (I171H).
Things are certainly moving. I am amazed at the peace that I have with all of this.
I was so anxious with every step when adopting Chloe and it hasn't been that way this time. I am sure it will be much harder when we actually get a referral and a picture of our baby boy. WOW!

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