Thursday, September 6, 2007

What? Did you say start working on our Dossier?

That's exactly what she said! YIKES! We met with J today to go over our approved home study and she told us to go ahead and start gathering our documents for our DOSSIER. Wow! We sure are moving along. I really wasn't expecting to be doing this for another few months, but I am excited that we are at this point.
I know that it is going to get a whole lot harder especially once we get a picture, but right now, I am calm. I was so anxious waiting on Chloe's referral but for some reason it is different this time. I think having Chloe already at home helps with that or maybe it has to do with very few people know about it. Not sure but needless to say that I am so very thankful to the Good Lord above that I am not stressing over this


Dawn said...

WHOOHOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm SO EXCITED for your family!! Keep me up to date as things move along ok? Sorry I missed you today. Maybe tomorrow? Oh Teresa, you're moving FORWARD towards your baby!!!!

Xadie's Journey said...

Well you better get moving on that dossier. I'll pray that everything comes in correct and comes back from authitication correct.