Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Chloe the school girl.............

Summer is coming to an end and yes it is time for the princessa to go back to school.
No more going to work with daddy and no more staying up till 11 pm and sleeping in till 11 am.
She was so excited this morning that I barely got a kiss from her. She kept telling me & her daddy that we didn't have to go in with her, that she would be fine.
I guess I should be thrilled that she loves it so much that she doesn't miss us, but
and I really am, but it makes me sad that my baby is GROWING UP!
By the time we get that baby brother of hers here, she is going to be a little girl and not a baby. She has already been telling us that she is going to feed him his bobbie, his pacy, and give him a bath, but she will not wash his hair because he doesn't like his hair washed. Guess who else doesn't like their hair washed?
She amazes me every day at how smart she is. Maybe it has something to do with older siblings, I am not sure, but sometimes I have no idea where she comes up with some of the stuff she says.
I sure do love this baby girl!



What a beuatiful little girl you have!

I found your blog on a.com. I think that we met in GC at the Marriott. I was picking up my son, April 2006. I met a family from SC who had an older daughter (looks like your's holding Chloe) and was finally picking up their dd after a long process. Was that you?

Another question, how do you handle that beautiful hair? My DD has curly hair (slowly growing in). As a straight-haired momma, is it hard to style?


Robyn said...

Chloe is so beautiful!! Glad she had a great time at school!!

Robyn & Gabriella