Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Good News Just Keeps Coming!!!!!!

Today was a wonderful day for many answered prayers!
Our caseworker let me know that she hopes to have our dossier in Vietnam in the next few weeks because the next baby boy born is ours. I am so very excited and I just can't hardly believe it. Realistically I know that the next 5 babies brought to the baby home could be girls, but it doesn't matter just knowing that we are moving up both lists is great news.
Please pray for our finances. Satan has tried to attack me all day reminding me that we do not have the money, and I just keep telling Him that God is in control and that He is the one that has led us to this journey, HE WILL SURELY PROVIDE.
My friends Lara & Jimmy also found out that they will be traveling in November to pick their beautiful baby boy & girl in Vietnam up. PRAISE THE LORD!
My friend K found out that she is PINK and her embassy appointment is Oct. 16th, in less than 2 weeks she will have her precious son with her and never ever have to give him back. GOD IS SO GOOD!
Lastly, my friend K found out that her daughter's 2nd DNA test was sent to the embassy today and she should get PINK anyday. Another baby coming home from Guatemala. We are just praising our Lord & Savior tonight for all that He has done today. Please keep the children in Guatemala and their adooptive families in your prayers.


Dawn said...

Oh Teresa!!!! You could be SO CLOSE now!!! I'm so excited to "meet" my newest "nephew"!!! :D

Candy said...

AWESOME NEWS...congrats...I guess its BOYS for both of us and they will onlybe a few weeks fun to follow each others journey to two differant countries...HUGS