Last Thursday 10/22 he had outpatient surgery. He was circumcised (he'll kill me when he reads this when he's older). But he could sure use your prayers. The recovery has been exactly like the urologist had warned us about, absolutely horrible! But because of some problems, he had to have it done and we felt that we had no other choice. It has just been really hard on him with him being 2 1/2 years old. He doesn't understand but yet he is still big enough to want to be on the go which is very painful. My biggest fear was of them putting him to sleep and I had prayed for days about that before Thursday actually arrived. They gave him a "I don't care" drug before they came and got him to put him to sleep and do the IV and that help alot because I knew he would never willingly go to them. They had him so drunk he reached right for the nurse.
Waking up from Recovery was a whole different story though. A nurse came to get me the minute they started rolling him out of OR because he was screaming for his MOMMY. Daniel wanted to go back but they wouldn't let him until they had him in Recovery, and calmed down. That broke Daddy's heart. Once they put him in my arms he started calming down though and once the thumb went into his mouth he was okay.
I knew once he started sucking his beloved thumb everything was going to be fine.
He goes back to the Dr. tomorrow and I am hoping he gets a good report. Please keep him in your prayers!
On to brighter things.............
It was one year ago today we boarded a flight in Charlotte, NC headed to Vietnam. We had layovers in San Francisco and Hong Kong before we reached our destination of Ho Chi Minh City two days later. We arrived on October 30th, and traveled two days later to Hau Giang to meet our precious son. Boy it has been a fast year and I am so happy that God has given us this little boy!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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