Monday, February 22, 2010
Three years ago today on the other side of the world our son precious son was born. Zane has been home for 15 months now and its as if he has always been here. Isn't it amazing how God does that? He is the most affectionate little boy I have ever met, so loveable and sweet, but still just wild enough to keep things interesting in the Blackwell house (just Sat. he tore up his dvd player by putting a acorn and penny inside it). Daniel says, "Zane keeps us young"!
Once again I am so grateful to all those that made it possible for Zane to be our son, Peggy & Jen. I am grateful to Thuoc who did so much more than his job, but went out of his way to make us feel welcomed. He took such good care of us in VietNam and he loved all our babies with all his heart. I am also so grateful to Trang in VietNam that would hold our sweet sweet baby and tell him stories in English about his Mommy & Daddy coming to get him. I am grateful to the nurses in the Baby Home for taking care of him and making our 2 week visit with them so enjoyable. They truly made us a part of their family. I am grateful to our birthmother that made what had to be the most difficult decision of her life to leave her son in the care of that baby home so that he could one day find his "forever family". I am so grateful to Kyleigh, Brent, Kaitlyn, and Chloe for embracing their baby brother with all the love that they have. And just like Chloe, I am so grateful to my heavenly Father for giving us another one of "His children".