Thursday, November 13, 2008

Giving & Receiving Ceremony..................

Our Giving & Receiving Ceremony was this morning and we are already back in Ho Chi Minh City.
If all goes as planned we will be home next Thursday.
We are so grateful for all that God has done.
I am in awe with the realization that He has entrusted another one of his precious gifts to us to love and raise.
Our journey has been wonderful and one that we will never forget.
Vi Thanh embraced us as their own and we are so thankful for that.
The nurses at the baby home treated us like family and that is exactly how we will think of them and tell Zane stories about them.
I will never be able to adequately explain the love they had for Chloe. It was immediate and it was one that I hope she always remembers.
They gave her manicures and pedicures and done her hair and fed her and loved and spoiled her. There is one nurse there that is an excellent seamstress and today she took Chloe in the back room which I didn't think anything about because that is usually where they "saloned her". I was so shocked when Chloe came out wearing the most beautiful dress that one of the nurses had made just for her. I just stood there and cried thinking of how much they loved my little "Guatemalan Princessa".
They love those babies in that baby home so much that I know it broke their hearts to see Zane leave, but yet they were trying to tell us that they were happy he had a family that was taking him to America and they can't wait to see pictures of him growing and love his new life.
And lastly theres Thuoc. A man that when we started this journey as our facilitator but now we know he is our friend. We will never ever forget this man. Not just because of the excellent care we got from him, but he is such a kind man. He adores his children in that baby home and the feeling is mutual. Their eyes light up and their arms are outreached when they see Thuoc walk in. We have spent many hours with him the last few weeks and he has spent those hours holding those babies, one by one he takes turn holding them, loving them, singing to them. We are so blessed to have had the opportunity to share this with him.
With happiness and laughter there always comes tears and Daniel and I both have had our share of them today.
It absolutely broke our hearts to leave those babies behind. Leaving Dillen and Dat was like leaving two of our own children and I must admit Daniel cried leaving Dat almost as much as he did when Kyleigh got married.
We will pray fervantly everyday until those two are home with their families.
God is in control and this will indeed happen.
Thank you for all your prayers and rejoice with us "ZANE ALEXANDER DUOC BLACKWELL" is COMING HOME!!!!!!!!!!


wvamom said...

I am so excited for you! You have waited so long to bring Zane home. I pray that his and your adjustment to the new and exciting family situation will be smooth. Thanks for sharing your pics with us.


Teresa and Norm said...

I am PRAISING GOD as I read this. WOW....a long time coming and I am so happy the day got here for you!!!! MAny blessings to your family.